Father's Day Camping Trip

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Father's Day Camping Trip

It's a S'more's World.. With a Twist

S'mores with chocolate-covered pretzel at campfire

Planning a Father’s Day camping trip for your hubby or son? Well, we have the perfect packing essentials for you. Imagine this… packing for the weekend, taking the scenic route to the campsite, roasting hotdogs over the fire, and then boom… the kids are ready for dessert! But oh no, you forgot the s’mores! So, let’s rewind and make sure to pack the essentials, that way the whole family goes to sleep under the stars with happy bellies.


    Roasted marshmallow with milk chocolate-covered pretzel   


When packing for your Father’s Day camping trip, what’s the key ingredient for an unforgettable trip? S’MORES INGREDIENTS! And even more than that? That one, special, secret s’mores ingredient… Hall’s Candies chocolate-covered marshmallows and pretzels! YUM! Our homemade treats will save you a step in the s’mores-making process, as they’re already drenched in high quality milk or dark chocolate hand-dipped to ensure the richness of every bite.


Chocolate-covered marshmallow between graham crackers


Let’s walk through the steps of making a Hall’s classic s’more:

Step 1: Before you leave for your camping trip, be sure to purchase and pack:

Step 2. Once you arrive at the campsite, explore with your kiddos and find a great s’mores-roasting stick.

Step 3: Once the campfire is crackling, place the chocolate-covered marshmallow on your roasting stick and melt it over the fire. (Here’s where the magic happens!) The marshmallow will get extremely ooey-gooey, and the chocolate will melt to perfection!

Step 4: Once the chocolate-covered marshmallow is toasted to perfection, sandwich it between two grahams.

Step 5: Then sit back, watch the chocolate marshmallow become pure deliciousness, and indulge!


Enjoying s'mores next to campfire


And as if that doesn’t sound heavenly enough (right?!), we have one final recommendation! If you’re anything like us and love the combination of salty and sweet, there’s one final secret ingredient: our chocolate-covered PRETZELS! Turn the s’mores from classic to deluxe simply by adding our chocolate-covered pretzel on to the s’mores! And warning: you may or may not be left speechless from the flavor!


Now that you’ll have the most delicious s’mores and the whole family will have the happiest bellies, you can sleep under the stars and cherish your new memories forever. Hall’s s’mores will totally transform your camping traditions and give your hubby (and kids!) something to talk about for years to come! Happy Father’s Day!

Stacking s'mores ingredients with graham crackers and marshmallows

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Love this idea so much! Can't wait to try it out on my next s'more!!